1. Hello tweeps I appreciate and celebrate you for your support and encouragement for #TheSuitableHelp Wisdom 4 Wives.
2. #TheSuitableHelp is aimed at providing wisdom, support and encouragement for wives and single ladies to fulfil God's call on their lives.
3. Please check and follow my blog http://flourishingwoman.blogspot.com for past episodes and updates #TheSuitableHelp
4. Our topic for today is Why Women Struggle With The "s" Word - Submission. #TheSuitableHelp
5. Submission has always been an issue amongst marriage topics. #TheSuitableHelp
6. Some would rather not go there as it gives rise to some controversies and emotions. #TheSuitableHelp
7. All I intend to do today is lay the foundation for this topic by stirring some thoughts through questions. #TheSuitableHelp
8. Someone onfe said I seem to have a way with questions. #TheSuitableHelp
9. Sometime ago a woman of God challenged me on social media over the issue of submission. #TheSuitableHelp
10. For a Pastor to openly speak against submission, I knew there was more to her confrontation than met the eyes. #TheSuitableHelp
11. There are many unpleasant experiences associated with submission. We'll appreciate it if you could share one or two with us here. #TheSuitableHelp
12. What makes the "s" word (submission) so horrifying? #TheSuitableHelp
13. How does our spouses attitude towards submitting to God impact on our submission? #TheSuitableHelp
14. What should be the attitude of a wive who isn't sure of the direction the husband is leading them? #TheSuitableHelp
15. What is the place of trusting God in submission? #TheSuitableHelp
16. Is submission weakness? How vulnerable does submission make us? #TheSuitableHelp
17. What is the idea behind biblical submission? What are the things that stand in the way of our submitting? #TheSuitableHelp
18. How do you submit and still not loose the power of your intelligence to analyse issues and profound a way forward? #TheSuitableHelp
19. What role does peer pressure play on submission? #TheSuitableHelp
2ww0. What role does pride and self-righteouness play on submission? #TheSuitableHelp
21. How does the words "I told you so" expose the state of our heart? #TheSuitableHelp
22. So many questions generated from the "s" word (submission). Like i said, its meant to lay a foundation for this topic. #TheSuitableHelp
23. I would like to know your thought on these questions here or send me an email at flogun29@gmail.com. #TheSuitableHelp
24. I believe God has something for someone through these questions. #TheSuitableHelp
25. Thanks for being a part of this episode. Until next time, God bless your marriages. #TheSuitableHelp
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