Monday, 23 February 2015

Breaking Free From Worry

Worry is and will always be an obstacle to exploring the power of the mind and experiencing a life of total fulfilment.

Worry cripples your capacity to be hopeful as your faith is overtaken by fear.

It is that noise in your head that prevents you from thinking positively.

Worry sucks off your mental, physical and emotional energy.

It steals your joy, takes away your interest from the things that excites you and isolates you from the world.

Finally, worry hinders you from becoming productive and leaves you stagnated.

One major truth about worry! Over 90% of the things we worry about are things outside of our control. We spend greater amount of our energy on things we can't change leaving out what we actually have the power to change.

Worry and fear have a symbiotic relationship. You can't be worried without being fearful. Fear fuels worry so also fear thrives through worry therefore, faith and works can't excel where worry and fear have taken root.

To Break Free From Worry:

1. Realise worry never changes anything but worsens the situation.

2. Decide today to stop worrying by handing over your worries to Him who has the biggest shoulder to carry our problems.

3. Make a list of the things you're worried about, cross out the issues you don't have control over, bing! Your list is almost gone. What did you notice about the list? You've been draining your energy on things you can't change.

4. Begin to work on the things you can influence on that list. Take decisions that will influence positive outcome on the issue causing you to worry, plan and act on your plan. Get up and do something that moves you away from the state of worry.

5. What you feed in your life will always grow. Your problems will either be a giant or a grasshopper beside you depending on what you feed, your fear or your faith. Feed your faith so it can outgrow your worries by meditating on God's word and positively affirming yourself.

6. Avoid situations and people of pessimistic mindset so you can see and think clearly and positively.

When you deal with worry, you gain speed to move in the right direction which is also a guarantee for success.

Have a flourishing day!

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