1. Hello tweeps Its episode 16 of #TheSuitableHelp Wisdom 4 Wives.
2. #TheSuitableHelp is aimed at providing wisdom, support and encouragement for wives and single ladies to fulfil God's call on their lives.
3.Please check and follow the blog http://flourishingwoman.blogspot.com for past episodes and updates #TheSuitableHelp
4. Our topic for today is Why Women Struggle With The "s" Word - Submission Pt. 2. #TheSuitableHelp
5. Like I stated before submission has always been an issue in marriage. #TheSuitableHelp
6. I want to believe that some of the problem women have with submission has to do with some misconception. #TheSuitableHelp
7. Let's see what submission is not. 1. Submission is not an enforced dominance by ones spouse. #TheSuitableHelp
8. (2).Submission is not a weakness but strength, it takes a woman of character to yield in. #TheSuitableHelp
9. (3). Submission is not slavery, it does not make you into a doormat. #TheSuitableHelp
10. (4) It is not obeying an hierarchy in a relationship. #TheSuitableHelp
11. (5) Submission is not a reaction to a command where the individual has little choice to oppose the authority. #TheSuitableHelp
12. (6) Submission does not make you less a person or take away your sense of self. #TheSuitableHelp
13. If submission isn't any of these, why then do we struggle with it? #TheSuitableHelp
14. Firstly, you can't submit to a man if you can't submit to God. As perfect as God is we still struggle with His authority over our lives. #TheSuitableHelp
15. This implies then that our struggle with submission isn't just about the man not being worthy of submitting to...(1/2) #TheSuitableHelp
16....its the rebellious nature of man in us that kicks against submission. (2/2) #TheSuitableHelp
17. We need to understand that submission comes from within, its an attitude that expresses itself through actions. #TheSuitableHelp
18. There has to be an agreement within for submission to take place. Its a choice, a consent. It can't be forced out of one. #TheSuitableHelp
19. It takes a surrendered heart to get to this point. #TheSuitableHelp
20. In surrendering to a higher power you battle every work of flesh that clouds your thinking. #TheSuitableHelp
21. And also confront notions and believes that have created problems in marriages. #TheSuitableHelp
22. In surrendering you embrace God's plan and purpose for you as a help meet. #TheSuitableHelp
23. When you embrace God's plan and desires for you as a wife, you equally embrace the grace to fulfil that plan. #TheSuitableHelp
24. It doesn't take the best man to have the best marriage it takes a woman totally sold out to the will of God for her life. #TheSuitableHelp
25. When you align yourself with God's word, He aligns the heart of your man after you. #TheSuitableHelp
26. Rebellion against your spouse can't get you this. #TheSuitableHelp
27. Just as submission is an attitude so also is rebellion. You can oppose an authority without being rebellious. #TheSuitableHelp
28. A rebellious attitude stripes a man of his ego and makes him feel threatened and condemned. #TheSuitableHelp
29. When you're totally sold out to God, you let go off your dependence on what your ability can get you and focus on Him. #TheSuitableHelp
30. There are times you look at your spouse and don't see a single reason why you should submit to him. #TheSuitableHelp
31. At that moment raise your eyes and look up to Christ, the one who called you to be his help meet. #TheSuitableHelp
32. Ask Him to open your eyes to His own perspective of your marriage. #TheSuitableHelp
33. From God's perspective you can always see the beauty locked within the ashes of your marriage. #TheSuitableHelp
34. Also ask God for wisdom because each time you act outside the wisdom of God you become a prey to victimisation. #TheSuitableHelp
35. The wisdom of God helps you find fulfilment in being a woman vulnerable enough to be cherished, loved and protected. #TheSuitableHelp
36. Dear woman, know this that God has place so much in you to want to subject you to any form of silence. #TheSuitableHelp
37. You can be that powerful, influential woman of honour and dignity without loosing touch with the power of your womanhood. #TheSuitableHelp
38. You are unique in several ways and God has prepared so many platforms to advertise and celebrate you. #TheSuitableHelp
39. But never at the place of contending position and authority with your spouse. #TheSuitableHelp
40. There's always the right time and place to be heard, humble yourself at your place of waiting, this is wisdom. #TheSuitableHelp
41. God has endowed you with great wisdom but your intelligence must never be to the destruction of your spouse's ego. #TheSuitableHelp
42. You want things to run smoothly, then let go of the power tussle and embrace God's call for submission. #TheSuitableHelp
43. Please understand you hold a sensitive role in marriage that's why the devil targets the woman through deception. #TheSuitableHelp
44. When he succeeds in deceiving the woman, he succeeds in bringing the whole family under bondage. #TheSuitableHelp
45. When he succeeds in deceiving the woman, he succeeds in bringing the whole family under bondage. #TheSuitableHelp
46. Still so much more to say, but for time let me stop here. #TheSuitableHelp
47. Thanks for the follow, retweets and favourite. You're greatly appreciate. #TheSuitableHelp
48. Seek godly wisdom, it protects, preserves and promotes. #TheSuitableHelp
49. Till next time, God bless your marriages. #TheSuitableHelp
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