Friday, 27 February 2015

#TheSuitableHelp Episode 5: Surrender Your Marriage

Hello friends, below is the compiled tweet for episode 5 of the #TheSuitableHelp

Read and be blessed.

1.Welcome to todays episode of #TheSuitableHelp, Wisdom 4 Wives. Our topic for today is Surrendering Your Marriage.

2.I attended a number of seminars on marriage and also read some books before I got married. #TheSuitableHelp

3.So by my own standard, I was prepared for a new phase of life in marriage. #TheSuitableHelp

4.But then the journey began with its challenges and as much as I tried to figure it, the limitless of my wisdom became more obvious.#TheSuitableHelp

5.There were so many issues to fix and one major task before me was 'HOW TO CHANGE MY HUSBAND'.#TheSuitableHelp

6.Are you in similar situation, confused about how to make things better in your marriage. #TheSuitableHelp

7.Do you figure your spouse is the major problem here as he's refused to change. #TheSuitableHelp

8.Are you trying to model your marriage after other people's and still missing it? #TheSuitableHelp

9.There's an encouragement for you today if you stay with me. #TheSuitableHelp

10. I was a christian before I got married and I remember I used to commit my marriage into God's hands because I desired a successful marriage. #TheSuitableHelp

11. And even after I got married I never stopped praying for my marriage. #TheSuitableHelp

12.This did not really settle the issues for me until God began to teach me that there was a difference between asking Him to fix my marriage....(1)

13...... while still holding unto it and actually surrendering it at His feet and allowing Him make my marriage what He has destined it to be.(2)

14.Its always difficult to let go of something you have control over but that's exactly what God wants from us, to let go of the control. #TheSuitableHelp

15.The starting point is the willingness to unlearn some things you know and allow God teach you to do things His own way. #TheSuitableHelp

16.To drop the stubbornness of wanting to have it your own way and yet ending up with unsatisfying results. #TheSuitableHelp

17. To surrender means to allow God's truth penetrate your mind and help you overcome the lies you've so dearly held unto. #TheSuitableHelp

18. Its a willingness to put aside your own plans and look at your marriage through the eyes of God. #TheSuitableHelp

19.Surrendering your marriage means releasing all about It to him. Not releasing an aspect and holding unto others. #TheSuitableHelp

20. I'm aware our social culture now doesn't support viewing marriage from God's perspective and doing things His way. #TheSuitableHelp

21. But I think with the spate at which couples are separating we need to start having a rethink about our faulty ideologies. #TheSuitableHelp

22.God has equipped us women with power, wisdom and a sense of independence that sometimes robs us of the ability to wait for God's plan #TheSuitableHelp

23.We depend on our ability to fix our lives, our spouses, our kids, in-laws till we become weary. #TheSuitableHelp

24.And until we become overwhelmed and at our wits end we don't remember God. #TheSuitableHelp

25.God wants us to quit depending on our ability to have things happen as we want them to. #TheSuitableHelp

26. But instead to trust Him for the best including the best in our spouses we think is the problem. #TheSuitableHelp

27. When you surrender your marriage, you tell Him, 29.I may not know what tomorrow holds for me but I trust You enough to let you be in charge.#TheSuitableHelp

28.What does God want you to surrender to Him in your marriage? #TheSuitableHelp

29. Surrender your expectations. Some ladies go into marriage with unrealistic and biased expectations. #TheSuitableHelp

30. For me, I expected my husband to love and treat me well unconditionally forgetting he's equally human with feelings. #TheSuitableHelp

31.I expected him to be sensitive to my needs especially emotional needs and be ready to fill my emptiness. #TheSuitableHelp

32.Every woman needs some tender loving care which isn't bad but when your demand for this needs drains your spouse then it becomes a problem #TheSuitableHelp

33. We must all grow to an appreciable level when you realise your deepest needs can only be filled by God. #TheSuitableHelp

34. Marriage isn't for the emotional bankrupt. #TheSuitableHelp

35.When you heap all of your needs on a mortal man you'll be disappointed, heartbroken and left an emotional jerk. #TheSuitableHelp

36. Surrender your needs. God calls any man who can't provide for his family an infidel, but please my sister, look beyond this. #TheSuitableHelp

37. Make God your source and abide in Him. He says when you abide in Him you bear much fruit. #TheSuitableHelp

38.Your spouse may be supporting you to bear some fruit but much and greater fruit can only spring from a life rooted in Christ.#TheSuitableHelp

39. Let God build your career, talent, gifts, business and make you a channel of blessing.#TheSuitableHelp

40.Surrender your desires. Let His word permeates your heart and desires so you can submit to His will. #TheSuitableHelp

41. When ur desires are being taken care by God you have the grace to get joy out of any situation. #TheSuitableHelp

42. You are able to encourage your spouse and not make him feel like a failure. #TheSuitableHelp

43. How best we surrender will depend on how much our lives have been impacted by God's love. #TheSuitableHelp

44. Only Him can love us unconditionally but we must be ready to receive this love as a gift. #TheSuitableHelp

45. Its not something you work for otherwise you'll never feel worthy of it. #TheSuitableHelp

46. It must be received with a sincere and opened heart. #TheSuitableHelp

47. Only then can we trust Him enough to surrender our lives including our marriage to Him. #TheSuitableHelp

48. And only them can the power of this love transform us and help us love and accept our spouses as they are. #TheSuitableHelp

49.I'm still a work in progress as I am still learning and growing but the transformation for me has been phenomenal. #TheSuitableHelp

50.God can begin the same changes you desire to see in your marriage with you when you learn to surrender all to Him.

Thanks for following and the retweets. May God's unconditional love become rooted in your life and marriage in Jesus name. #TheSuitableHelp

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